What payment methods are accepted?

We accept PayPal, Bitcoin as well as Visa, Mastercard and Discover.
What payment terms are allowed?

We allow monthly, quarterly (5% discount), semi-annually (10% discount) and annual (15% discount) prepayments.
Are these dedicated or shared resources?

All resources are dedicated except for CPU.
What plan should I go with?

This is a tough question that we really don't have an answer to, since we do not manage our customers activities. What we recommend doing is going with at least a 1-2G plan, and sizing up or down based off your usage.
What is the connection speed to my VPS?

All of our physical servers are connected at 1-2Gbps depending on the node configuration. This connection is then shared among all VPS's running on the node.
Why go with a VPS service over a Dedicated Server?

Well, it only makes sense! Typically you will be paying a lot higher prices for the same grade of service. All of our nodes are SSD with a RAID 10 setup and features dual Xeon processors. Additionally, VPS's allow for scalability in which dedicated servers cannot do.
I need additional IPs. What is the cost and policy?

We charge $1.50 per month per IP for additional IP addresses. We will not approve any unreasonable justification and will require justification if requesting 5 or more additional IP's.